Affiliate marketing as a way to make money online is becoming increasingly popular. It saves the internet marketer the burden of having to produce his own product or even his own sales copy. Basically, what he does is pre-sell a product that's already been packaged for him. It's no wonder, then, that many internet marketers start out in their online business career by doing affiliate marketing. The fact that there are thousands of affiliate programs to choose from makes it even more attractive. The question for the intrepid internet marketer then becomes not whether he should get into affiliate marketing but how to select the best affiliate programs or products. So that is what we're going to tackle in this article.
There are six things the affiliate marketer should consider when choosing a program.
1. A Product that's in demand
Listen and observe the world around you. What are the desires that people give voice to? Find a way to fill these desires and offer it to them. The product could be a course that could teach them a way to make money online or a service to help them find the love of their lives or the vacation spot of their choice. There's very likely to be an affiliate program selling these. Whatever product or service you promote, make sure that there's a demand for it. Without a demand, all your best efforts to make money online will be rewarded by a pittance.
2. High commission rates
Look for programs that offer high commission rates. Some programs pay out as much as 75% in commissions. It takes as much effort on your part to promote a product that gives you a $2 commission as it does one that pays you $30, so you might as well go for the higher payout. (There may be times, however, when the $2 payout can be a good idea. You can't discard these products offhand as they may just turn out to have mass appeal and sell like the proverbial hotcakes. But be discerning. Generally speaking, though, high payouts are what you're looking for.)
3. Effective Sales Copy
Check out the sales website of the affiliate marketing program you're thinking of joining. Is it effective? Does it convince? The product you're promoting may be great, but if the sales website is written poorly and unconvincingly, then it's likely to have a poor conversion rate. In this case, your best efforts at pre-selling may not meet with the success they deserve. So look for products with a striking sales copy.
4. Amount of Competition
Competition is good because it shows that there's a market for the product you're promoting. However, when the amount of competition is very large, it makes it that much more difficult for you to make a profit as you're all contending for the same clients. Of course, with the right skills and methods, you can outsell any competition, but if you're a neophyte in this field, then it may be best to stick to products with a moderate amount of competition in the beginning.
5. Payout Dates
Before you sign up, check the payout dates of the affiliate program. The closer the payout dates, the more preferable. Getting paid weekly or every two weeks beats getting paid only every two to three months. This is especially true if you advertise and have a limited advertising budget, or if you have other fees to pay. The quicker you get paid, the quicker you are able to utilize your money towards your online business.
6. Payout Minimums
Again, you want a program that has low payout minimums. Some programs will require you to earn $50 or $100 before transferring your earnings to you. If you think you can hit this minimum fairly quickly, then that's fine. You want to steer clear of programs with very steep minimums because if for some reason you haven't reached their minimum but have garnered a fair amount and you decide to move on, then you're not going to see whatever it is you have earned. And the same principle as payout frequency holds true for payout minimum: the quicker you get your earnings the better so that you can reinvest it into your online business.
Consider well these 6 important factors and you're on your way to a good start towards your affiliate marketing online business success.
Elvira Avila has been writing articles for more than 30 years. For more material on experiences, resources, tools, etc. related to making money online, visit her blog at . Article Source: |
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